Maintaining tiled floors on a daily basis isn’t too hard of a task. A quick vacuum and a few strokes with a swiper usually make your floor look decently clean. However, this method doesn’t get all the dirt and grime out there. In fact, it can easily build up if you don’t do a deep clean from time to time. Not only do the dirty tiles and grouts look bad, but they can also harbor a lot of germs and bacteria. You may need extra help getting your tiles looking fresh when that happens. If you’re unsure whether to reach out to specialists, here’s a list of signs you need professional tile cleaning.
What does professional tile cleaning look like?
Whether they’re in your kitchen, your bathroom, or any other space in your home, giving your tiles a deep clean is a multiple-step process. It often requires tools that most people don’t have in their homes. This is why hiring professional help is usually necessary.
First, the cleaners will do an inspection and protect all adjacent surfaces that don’t need treatment. The second step is removing all the dry dirt by vacuuming with a powerful vacuum cleaner. Power tools with heat and steam are then used to ensure that every last bit of grime and dirt stuck in the crevices in the grout gets out. Finally, when the cleaning process is done, your professional cleaners will apply a sealant on top of your tiles. This step will create a protective layer and stop the dirt from getting inside the grout for some time.
While this process may seem like a lot, it’s often necessary to ensure that your tiles look their best. If you’re starting to notice some of the signs you need professional tile cleaning from this list, don’t hesitate to call your cleaning company.
1. Tiles are looking a bit dull
Are your tiles looking kind of okay, but not as shiny as they used to? If that’s so, it may be time to contact professional cleaners. Layers of lighter dirt and dust can easily build up on the surface. While these layers won’t make the tiles look super dirty, they will still be duller than usual. A good rule of thumb here is to check the texture of your tiles. Even if they don’t seem dirty, they may be a bit sticky or have a rough feel. If you notice that the mute look isn’t going away when you do your regular cleaning, professional cleaning might be in order.
2. You’re starting to see mold in the grout
Mold is a very common occurrence in moist environments like bathrooms and around kitchen sinks. No matter how well you maintain your tiles, mold can still find its way to the grout. If you notice that happening, you should tackle it as soon as possible. Mold can cause serious health issues, from respiratory troubles to allergies. There are some cleaning solutions that you can use to deal with it on your own. Still, it’s generally better to leave it to the specialists. If you’re moving to a new place, professionals at strongly suggest getting the tiles deep-cleaned. Doing that will ensure that all the mold is removed and your home is a healthy environment.
3. There are persistent stains that you can’t get out
Not all stains are the same. While some of them can be removed with just water and simple cleaning solutions, others are a bit more stubborn. For instance, you may have a hard time removing some oil or paint stains. When regular maintenance just isn’t cutting it, steam and high heat might be the answer. Professional cleaning appliances will easily get rid of the majority of persistent stains that don’t respond to standard cleaning methods. Your tiles will look as good as new in no time.
4. Your grout is unsealed
While tile application usually includes sealing the grout, sometimes it gets skipped. It often happens that people move to a house that already has tiles with unsealed grout in place and never get around to sealing it. While doing it isn’t absolutely necessary, it prevents getting dirt and grime into the crevices of the grout. Getting unsealed grout cleaned professionally is essential for preventing bacteria growth and dirt build-up. Once it’s clean, we strongly suggest looking into getting it sealed. This will save you money and time in the future because you won’t have to deep clean it as often.
5. Tiles and grout have changed their color
There are various reasons why discoloration may occur in tiles and grout. Dirt build-up is the first obvious one. Apart from that, exposure to mold and certain chemicals can significantly affect the color of tiles. Luckily, you’re likely to notice the change in color as soon as it begins to happen, so that you can act on it fairly quickly. The discoloration usually won’t respond to standard cleaning. Contacting tile cleaning professionals is your best bet, as they will solve the problem in no time.
6. You’re starting to notice cracks
Cracks and breaks in your tiles are a problem that requires immediate attention. If you don’t fix them, they will continue to spread, completely destroying your tiles. In addition to that, cracks can easily get filled with grime, making them a breeding ground for bacteria. While repairs should be your priority, make sure to get the tiles and grout professionally cleaned beforehand. You don’t want any of those germs and dirt sitting below your new tiles and grout. Doing this will ensure that all the nasty stuff is removed before fixing the damage.
Hiring professional tile cleaners is definitely an investment. Sure, it may cost you more than cleaning the tiles yourself, but it pays off in many ways. Firstly, it will save you a lot of time and energy. It will also make your tiles look fresh for a long time. Some of the signs you need professional tile cleaning may be more apparent than others. This is why it’s important to know what to look for. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with your cleaning company as soon as you notice any mold, discoloration, or dullness in your tiles.
Are your dryer vents, tiles, floors or furniture in need of professional cleaning? Don’t wait any longer! To get in touch with us, you can complete our online appointment form and someone from our team will be in touch with you. You may also feel free to reach us during normal business hours (8:30 am–5:00 pm Monday-Friday) by calling (859) 525-7575. We look forward to servicing you!
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